D G Shipping
has started online all modular courses. For that e learning is mandatory for
all candidates. Without e learning candidate is not allow to attend the online
virtual classes for all STCW courses.
If candidate
want to renew or other required courses then e learning is the first step for
all modular courses.
Make sure
that candidate is using laptop with web cam minimum two mega pixels. This e
learning need face verification. For that need to click few photos online. For
face verification make sure candidate is using laptop do not try with mobile
phone. You may not able to attend on mobile phone. For face verification
for e- learning
to d g shipping site
e learning option
next page select modular course
page is a welcome page. Candidate need to do enroll login with INDOS number,
date of birth, and the name of course candidate want to do (chose the correct
course name carefully) then click on submit option.
on next page candidate name, email id and phone number (Updated on seafarer
profile )will display, check the email id and phone number and acknowledge it.
Then, click on submit. (if email id and phone number is invalid then update on
sea farer profile with valid email id and phone number).
finish with enroll log in, then candidate will get email on provided email id. In the email candidate
will get login id and password for the e learning log in.
the same id and password for log in.
log in candidate need to give face verification. For face verification
candidate need to click few photos by web cam. And the photo will get compare
with your sea farer profile which is already uploaded on database.( if
candidate is getting problem for face verification then update the latest photo
on sea farer profile).
every log out candidate need to give again face verification for every log in.
but for this kind of login candidate need to click only one photo on web cam.
candidate finish with face verification, Then candidate can log in with given
id and password and can complete e learning process.
course has different duration to appear. Candidate Need to complete the
respective time for the e learning. Then only candidate can appear further process.
Without Completing the required time do not click on submit option. Otherwise,
it will give one error message on screen.
starting e learning program, on the screen one bar will be displayed which need
to complete from 0% to 100% . after 100
% completion of bar candidate can proceed further.
successfully log in candidate will get 180 days to complete the course.
· After completion of e- learning program need to attend question- answer quiz which is open after completion of required time for e learning. Questions will be MCQ type. This exam is not final exam. This exam is just for practice. After complition of e learning click on report option to get e learning certificate. with this certificate candidate can get admission in MTI for virtual callases.
that candidate need to attend exit exam. which have30 question and will get 30 minutes for this. In
this exam candidate needs to give at list 15 correct answers. (50% minimum) if
candidate gets less than 50% then again need to attend full program and need to
complete it again.
· After exam candidate will get online certificate. this certificate candidate make print out and use for further procces.
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