DG Shipping Online Exit Exam Requirement and Details


        DG Shipping Online Exit Exam Requirement and Details

This is a new circular by D G Shipping. When candidate has completed online courses then this Exit Exam has to clear by candidate. This is mandatory for all STCW courses.

First candidate need to join online course. From D G Shipping approved Marine Training Institute (MTI). After completion of online course candidate will get date and time for Exit Exam. On the same date candidate need to attend the Exit Exam. Also, the same MTI need to upload the personal details (INDOS number, CDC number, etc.) to the Exit Exam database. Which helps in Exit Exam for login and photo verification.

In case any problem occurs in photo verification for Exit Exam then contact to MTI. Make sure that you have good enough light to click photo by camera because for this exam you need to verify your photo before exam. Make sure you have good enough internet data available for Online Exam.

This Exit Exam is not possible to attend on mobile or tablet so make sure that you have laptop or computer with camera.

 For Exit Exam candidate need tohave followings:

·         Laptop or computer with minimum 1 GB RAM, Hard disk minimum 250 GB.

·         Processor - dual core or higher (preferred Intel i3 / i5 processor).

·         Operating system - Windows 7/8/10 or higher (preferred 64 bit); IP Camera, Web camera minimum resolution 640 X 480 PX (with audio microphone Option)

·         Well illuminated room.


Photo verification before Exit Exam :

           Candidate who want to attend Exit Exam, first browse to D G shipping web site(www.dgshipping.gov.in). It can use all types of browser then the find Exit Exam option in the top bar click on it. On next page, Click on operating instruction option which is given in the top right corner. Then, on next page candidate will find the link for login to the photo verification

D G Shipping always keep changing link for Exit Exam so try to search from D G shipping site when you try with IP address may you will get problem on it. Once you open the given link use your INDOS number as login id and same INDOS number as password. Then you will find the profile photo option on top click on it. Your already uploaded photo will come on page. Then click your latest photo with help of camera. Three photos required for photo verification. Photo should be match minimum 25 % in all three photos. If photo cannot recognize then candidate need to change the photo on INDOS number as per instruction. For Exit Exam photo verification is important because without photo verification candidate can’t appear exam.

Once you finish with photo verification process then candidate will receive Email and SMS. This SMS is the confirmation that candidate can proceed for the Exit Exam. Make sure that candidate need to attend the Exit Exam on give date only.

Exit exam process:

After photo verification again go to D G shipping side. And click on exit exam. Use your INDOS Number for login. Make sure that all tab like zoom, Scree sharing all closed. If candidate is not able to login to the Exit Exam page wait for the 30 minutes and try again for login. Make sure that user is trying to login from one laptop, login from two different laptop is not accepted.

After successful login check for all your details displayed on page for spellings. Then candidate need to download one software in laptop though the given instruction on same page. First click on download option then, after downloading the software install it. Thought this software web cam will keep checking the person who is attending the exam is the same who did photo verification. After installing the software, choose your course by checking all the details of exam like exam duration, exam marks, name of course etc.

Different courses having different time duration not same time for all course. Once you click on proceed option the exam will start and timer will start at the same time. At end when the time limit come to last five minutes timer will change color to red and start blinking just to bring you attention for time limits. In case of network problem D G Shipping allow five minutes to reconnect. So be careful with your internet.

During the exit exam:

All questions are MCQ type. After every question click on next option do not click on back option. It may create problem again. In this exam web camera can take the photo minimum five time during the exam without any warning so make sure that candidate is alone. If camera click photo and find someone other in photo exam will terminate automatically. Once exam start candidate need to keep an eye all the time on screen if candidate try to change the focus from screen exam will terminate automatically.

After exit exam:

Click on submit option after successfully completing the exam. After completion of exam candidate will get result. After result does not click on back option. Candidate will come to know either he is pass or fail. If pass then candidate will get Digital Certificate which is valid for next 18 months.  In case of fail candidate can attend the exam three time. But need to pay fees for it. If after three attempts also candidate not able to pass the exam. Then he needs to do again same process from beginning. From online courses again needs to do all process.


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